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Schuylkill Haven athletics

Home of the Hurricanes


Schuylkill Haven athletics

Home of the Hurricanes

Schuylkill Haven athletics

Home of the Hurricanes


Number Name Position Year Height Weight Player Bio
Matthew Angelo Fr
Carson Auker So
Sean Coyle Sr
Carter Daniel So
Caleb Fanelli Jr
Daniel Fanelli Jr
Reese Felty Sr
Chase Fisher So
Nathaniel Frederick Sr
Daeson Hasenauer Jr
Derek Hertz Fr
Alex Koch Fr
Evan Leymeister Sr
Kyle Lipp Sr
Dylan Lipp Jr
Aidan McKee Sr
Jaden Miller So
Calvin Munster Jr
Damian Naranjo Jr
Logan Schaeffer Sr
Luke Smith Sr
Bruce Stine Fr
Bryce Umbenhauer Sr
James Villella Fr
Gavin Wade So
Justin Watson So
Andrew Zimmerman Jr
Mitchell Zimmerman Sr

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